
Dr. Hurley appears on WHYY.

A news story about Assoc.Professor of ENV Patrick Hurley’s appearance on WHYY to talk about his research.

Associate Professor of Environmental Studies Patrick Hurley was a guest Sept. 19 on WHYY’s Radio Times. He spoke on his research topic, urban foraging.As the practice of foraging increases in U.S. cities, many parks managers are working to better understand the practice and the implications it has for policy, management decisions, and what this practice means for people living in the cities and parks where they work. An article from Hurley’s collaborative research on urban foraging was published this past spring in the journal Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability.  In the article titled “Gathering ‘wild’ food in the city,” Dr. Hurley and coauthors explore the role of wild plant harvesting in U.S. cities in rethinking environmental management policy toward the urban forest.

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