Pillar 3: Partnerships
Ursinus College will amplify its reach and reputation through mutually beneficial partnerships—across all sectors and geographies—that reinforce the college’s role as an anchor institution and core collaborator.
Ursinus College will amplify its reach and reputation through mutually beneficial partnerships that reinforce its role as an anchor institution and key collaborator.
Strategic Initiatives
- Share the Ursinus College story with a broad audience of external partners to position the college for a transformational gift.
- Monetize assets and reinvest in the physical plant and in the revitalization of the downtown to grow auxiliary revenue and support the college as an anchor institution.
- Foster early college programs, active senior learning programs, and direct admission programs to extend the reach of the Ursinus experience across generations.
- In partnership with industry, nongovernment, and government organizations, serve as a thought partner, professional development program provider, and economic and community development collaborator supporting student opportunity, economic development of the region, and addressing emerging societal concerns.
- Draw on traditions and strengths to support the common good and civil discourse acting as a convener and intersectional partner for extending liberal education to professional education and catalyzing opportunities in the liberal arts.
Key Performance Indicators
Sustained Giving
Increase the Ursinus Fund by 5% year over prior year and maintain 100% Board of Trustees philanthropic support to the Ursinus Fund and key priorities of individual members. Alumni engagement will increase annually building a healthy pipeline for increased volunteerism and philanthropic investment.
Life-Long Learning
Establish and grow, by 10% annually, participation in alumni and post-graduate continuing education programming. Establish and grow, year over year, multi-generational learning programs offered on campus and in partnership with local organizations.
Economic and Community Development
By fiscal year 2027, achieve Carnegie Classification for Community Engagement thereby demonstrating commitment to service learning and civic engagement such that student participation in service-learning increases by 3% year over prior year. Execute downtown revitalization plan and increase satisfaction with campus surroundings by 5% year over prior year. Establish and grow, year over year, cross-sectoral partnerships that enhance student experiences, attract new investment to programs, and increase the visibility of the college.
Brand Awareness
Increase unique digital engagements by 10% year over prior year and establish and increase external engagement in public facing programs by 5% year over prior year.