African American and Africana Studies Courses
“EDUCATION is the medium by which a people are prepared for the creation of their own particular civilization, and the advancement and glory of their own race.”
AAAS-200. Issues in African American and Africana Studies
This is an interdisciplinary, introductory course for the African American and Africana studies program. This discussion-oriented course is designed to integrate the diverse concentrations of the discipline. It will cover the history of the field, and the role and contributions of various disciplines. This course also examines the variables and dimensions of African-American and African Diasporic experiences. Three hours per week. Four semester hours. (DN, H.)
AAAS-380. Internship
An off-campus academic/work experience under the supervision of an internship adviser and an on-site supervisor. Contact the AAAS coordinator for further details. Prerequisites: AAAS-200, junior standing, and approval of a faculty internship adviser. 120 hours. Three semester hours. (XLP.)
AAAS-381. Internship
An off-campus academic/work experience under the supervision of an internship adviser and an on-site supervisor. Contact the AAAS coordinator for further details. Prerequisites: AAAS-200, junior standing, and approval of a faculty internship adviser. 160 hours. Four semester hours. (XLP.)
AAAS-491W. Independent Research.
This course is open to candidates for honors of junior/senior status who have completed at least 16 credits in the minor upon consultation with the AAAS coordinator and the student’s faculty adviser and formation of an interdisciplinary faculty committee of three persons. Four semester hours. (XLP.)
AAAS-492W. Independent Research.
A continuation of AAAS-491W. Prerequisite: AAAS-491W. Four semester hours. (XLP.)
“EDUCATION is the medium by which a people are prepared for the creation of their own particular civilization, and the advancement and glory of their own race.”