Recent Research Topics
- “Can Politicians Explain Systemic Racism in 280 Characters…or Less?”
- “The Experiences of Latino Immigrants in the United States”
- “Representation and Accessibility in Patient Advocacy Organizations”
- “Virtue and Disease: Narrative Accounts of Orthorexia”
- How Pennsylvanians define Environmental Justice”“The Sociological Side of Our Trash”
- “Millennial Culture and Epistemiology: Exploring the Meaning making Discourse of an Emerging Generation”
- “Where Trying to Conceive becomes a Community Effort: An Analysis of Online Infertility Forums”
- “Veiled Identity:Republicanism and the Franco-Muslim Woman”
“A Defense of a Change in the Legal Standard of Rape from Consent to Coercion”
“Gay and Straight, Face-to-Face: At the Intersection of Masculinity and Sexuality”
“The Way I Where My Hair: Meanings of Black Women’s Hair Style Choices.”
- “Collective or Divisive: Perspectives & Experiences of the Occupy Wall Street Movement.”
- Pebble Mine: Framing of Salmon Denies Alaska Natives Justice.”
- “A Cross-Cultural Comparison of the Creation and Perpetuation of Ghettos in the US and France.”
- “Farm Sanctuaries: Farm Animals, Categorical Liminality, and the Future Possibilities.”
- “Identity Construction in Humanistic Jewish Communities.”
- “Mental Illness Stigma: Attitudes Toward the Mentally Ill.”
- “The Relationship Between African Immigrants and African Americans.”
- “The Struggle to Emigrate from Bolivia to the United States.”
- “Between Two Tongues: Language Use of Native Spanish-Speakers in the U.S.”
- “Educational Technologies: 21st Century Problem or Solution?”
- “The Curse of Child Trafficking in America.”
- “The Identity of African Immigrants in America.”
- “Healing Through Energy, Magic, Touch, and Ritual: A Cultural Account of Pagan Healing Practices.”
- “Obstacles, Opportunities, and Surprises: Theories of Agro-Industrial Development and the Case of In Vitro Meat.”
- “Stigma and Identity: The Social Effects of Incarceration.”