Learning Goals

Learning goals and course map for the BCMB major.

1.  SCIENTIFIC THINKING – Upon graduation, BCMB majors will have the ability to approach problems scientifically, employing observation, hypothesis, prediction, and experimental design.  In addition, students will have the ability to read and evaluate scientific literature with a critical eye. Students will be able to:

  1. Identify and formulate valid scientific arguments and hypotheses.
  2. Use bibliographic databases to search scientific literature; evaluate the scientific literature critically. 
  3. Construct understanding from diverse facts and observations.
  4. Evaluate an ethical situation related to biochemistry and molecular biology.


2.  TECHNIQUES & TECHNOLOGY – Students will have the ability to perform laboratory techniques used in molecular biology and biochemistry. Students will be able to:

  1. Prepare reagents and operate scientific instrumentation.
  2. Understand and apply the theory underlying essential biochemistry and molecular biology techniques.
  3. Understand and apply basic statistics to analyze data.


3.  ORAL & WRITTEN COMMUNICATION – Students will have the ability to communicate scientific findings and ideas in oral, written, and visual formats, including the ability to explain complex biochemical and molecular biological concepts to scientists and non-scientists. Students will be able to:

  1. Write comprehensive, clear, and concise reports on their own data that include evaluation of the relevant literature.
  2. Create and present scientific information orally in the form of a research poster and oral presentation.


4. BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY LITERACY – Students will have knowledge of the core concepts that pertain to all subfields within the discipline and may be applied to their career and/or graduate placement exams. Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge in the following areas:

  1. Energy is required by and transformed in biological systems.
  2. Macromolecular structure determines function and regulation.
  3. Information storage and flow are dynamic and interactive.
  4. The role that evolution and homeostasis play in the shaping the form and function of all biological molecules and organisms.