Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics Courses
Computer Science
CS-010. Computational Problem Solving
This workshop course offers a structured environment for helping students become better and more efficient computational problem-solvers. Focus is on the computing techniques and tools for advanced productivity in the rapid development of software, and on providing an equitable and inclusive computing environment for collaborative problem solving. May be repeated four times for credit toward graduation. Graded S/U. One hour per week One semester hour.
CS-170Q. Programming for the World around Us
An introduction to programming and computer science as a tool for solving problems, automating work, and analyzing and working with data. The course introduces Python and studies its applications in various domains including bioinformatics, the physical sciences, business, and humanities by looking at a variety of problems drawn from these domains. The lab will involve the implementation of algorithms and analysis on data sets drawn from these areas. Also, the ethics of data use are covered via discussion of relevant articles and media. No prior programming experience is assumed. Offered every Fall. Three hours of lecture and one hour of laboratory per week. Four semester hours. (R, S.)
Note: CS-170Q may not be used as elective credits for computer science majors or minors. It cannot be taken for credit after or concurrently with any other computer science course, including AP Computer science.
.CS-173. Introduction to Computer Science
Introduction to the field of computer science. Topics include: methods for computational problem solving, algorithm development techniques, processes for development of new technologies, and programming projects of increasing complexity in a high-level language with emphasis on good programming style. The course also includes exposure to advanced topics in computer science such as graphics, human-computer interaction, and software engineering. Recommended for students in mathematics; business and economics; and the natural sciences. No prior computer programming experience is assumed. Offered every semester. Three hours of lecture and one hour of laboratory per week. Four semester hours. (Q, R.)
CS-174. Object-Oriented Programming
A continuation of CS-173. More detailed exploration of classes and instances. An introduction to collection classes such as vectors, arraylists, linked lists, stacks, queues, maps, sets, and trees. Larger programs and/or team projects. Prerequisite: A grade of C– or higher in CS-173. Offered every semester. Three hours of lecture and one hour of lab per week. Four semester hours. (R.)
CS/PHIL-243. Technology and Ethics
Data privacy, digital surveillance, data mining, self-driving cars, artificial intelligence, algorithms used by government and law enforcement, doxxing - technology raises many new and old ethical questions. In this core capstone course we use a variety of ways of asking to address these ethical questions: empirical, philosophical, political, creative, and other ways of asking. Three hours per week. Four semester hours. (CCAP, H, O.)
CS-271. Data Structures and Algorithms
Introduction to algorithm analysis and data structures. Complexity of algorithms, analyzing basic data structure operations, searching and sorting algorithms, tables, hashing, recursion, dynamic programming, tree and graph algorithms. Prerequisites: MATH-111 or equivalent and a grade of C– or higher in CS-174, or permission of the instructor. Offered in the fall semester. Three hours per week. Four semester hours.
Note: Students who completed CS-371W can not enroll in CS-271.
CS-272. Seminar in Computer Science I
A detailed study of a selected topic in computer science, such as computational geometry, compilers, data mining, robotics or distributed technology. May be repeated for credit. Three hours per week. Four semester hours.
CS-274. Computer Architecture and Organization
Hierarchical structure of computer architecture, number systems, arithmetic operations, codes, switching algebra, logic gates, assembly language programming. Prerequisite: CS-174. Offered in the spring semester. Three hours of lecture and one hour of laboratory per week. Four semester hours.
CS-350. Oral Presentation
A computer science oral presentation. This course will satisfy the College requirement for an oral presentation in the major. Prerequisite: written consent of a department faculty member. Graded S/U. Zero semester hours.
Note: This course is usually taken in conjunction with internships (CS-381, 383) and research/independent work (CS-391-394, 491, 492).
CS-352. Computer Science Pedagogy
This course is a collaborative service-learning effort among students with an interest in computing and in education. The course is intended to prepare pre-service teachers for certification in K-12 Computer Science in Pennsylvania, and to provide students with a research-based background in science communication and pedagogy. We explore unique aspects of educational design in a computing environment, as well as current challenges, trends, and opportunities in computing education. Particular emphasis will center upon equitable computing pedagogy and practice, and creating a classroom environment that is inclusive of diverse learning needs, culturally relevant, and learner-centric. Students will design educational activities according to pedagogical best practices, and work with K-12 teachers at local schools to deliver and assess those educational materials. Students will collectively create a portfolio of open-source curricular materials for teaching computing in the K-12 classroom for subsequent adoption and revision. Offered in the fall of odd years. Three hours per week.Four semester hours. (LINQ with EDUC-350W.)
CS-372. Digital Musical Audio Processing
This hands-on course will take a broad overview of how to represent, analyze, and morph/transform digital musical audio with a computer. Topics include time-domain audio processing, digital instrument synthesis (including FM synthesis), frequency domain audio processing and Fourier analysis, vocoders and cross-synthesis, audio novelty for tempo estimation / beat-tracking, pitch and timbre features, content-based music audio retrieval (e.g., version identification and the “Shazam algorithm”), automatic source separation, and audio mosaicing. Prerequisite: MATH-111 and CS-174 (or CS-173 with permission of the instructor). Offered in spring of odd years. Three hours per week. Four semester hours.
CS-373. Theory of Computation
Formal introduction to the limits of computation using mathematical models of computation. Topics include finite state automata, the pumping lemma, context free grammars, pushdown automata, Turing machines, recognizability and decidability, computational complexity, and the Cook-Levin theorem. Emphasis on writing proofs of theorems. Prerequisites: MATH-236W, a grade of C– or higher in CS-174. Offered in the fall of odd years. Three hours per week. Four semester hours.
CS-374. Principles of Programming Languages
Syntax, processors, representations and styles of programming languages. Study and comparison of several modern programming languages. Prerequisite: A grade of C– or higher in CS-174. Offered in the fall of even years. Three hours per week. Four semester hours.
CS-375. Software Engineering
Topics integral to the design, implementation and testing of a medium-scale software system combined with the practical experience of implementing such a project as a member of a programming team. Use of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) for software design. Prerequisite: A grade of C– or higher in CS-271. Offered in the spring semester. Three hours per week. Four semester hours. (Q.)
Note: Students who completed CS-275 cannot enroll in CS-375.
CS-376. Operating Systems
Fundamental concepts of operating systems. Sequential processes, concurrent processes, resource management, scheduling, synchronization, file systems, and computer security. Projects include writing of a program to simulate major components of an operating system. Pre- or co-requisite: CS-274. Offered in the spring of even years. Three hours per week. Four semester hours.
CS-377. Database Design
The concepts involved in designing and using a database management system. Logical and physical database design. Entity-Relational Modeling. Various types of database structures, manipulations of a database structure through applications, query techniques, and programming in a database language. Prerequisite: CS-271. Offered in the fall of odd years. Three hours per week. Four semester hours.
CS-381. Internship
An academic/work experience under the supervision of an internship adviser and an on-site supervisor. Students must document their experience according to the requirements delineated in the College catalogue section on Internships. An oral presentation to the department is required. Contact the chair of the department for further details. Open to juniors and seniors. The term during which the internship work is performed will be noted by one of the following letters, to be added immediately after the internship course number: A (fall), B (winter), C (spring), or D (summer). Internships undertaken abroad will be so indicated by the letter I. The intern must complete a minimum of 120 hours of work. Graded S/U. Prerequisites: three courses in computer science and approval of a faculty internship adviser. Three semester hours. (XLP.)
CS-382. Internship
An academic/work experience under the supervision of an internship adviser and an on-site supervisor. Students must document their experience according to the requirements delineated in the College catalogue section on Internships. An oral presentation to the department is required. Contact the chair of the department for further details. Open to juniors and seniors. The term during which the internship work is performed will be noted by one of the following letters, to be added immediately after the internship course number: A (fall), B (winter), C (spring), or D (summer). Internships undertaken abroad will be so indicated by the letter I. The intern must complete a minimum of 160 hours of work. Graded S/U. Prerequisites: three courses in computer science and approval of a faculty internship adviser. Four semester hours. (XLP.)
Note: Students may receive credit for two internships that meet the conditions described in this catalogue.
CS-391. Research/Independent Work
Independent investigation of an area of computer science not covered in regular courses. Prerequisite: Written consent of a department faculty member. Graded S/U. One semester hour.
Note: This course may be taken more than once.
CS-392. Research/Independent Work
Independent investigation of an area of computer science not covered in regular courses. Prerequisite: Written consent of a department faculty member. Graded S/U. Two semester hours.
Note: This course may be taken more than once.
CS-394. Independent Study
Independent investigation of an area of computer science not covered in regular courses. Students will present a proposal to a faculty member that outlines the research questions, background study, and final products of the project. It is recommended that students first pursue an exploratory independent study project with that faculty member in CS-391 or 392 as they develop this proposal. Prerequisite: Written consent of a department faculty member. An oral presentation to the department is required. Four semester hours. (XLP.)
Note: This course may be taken more than once. This course always fulfills the XLP requirement for the college, but may satisfy an elective requirement for the major only with prior permission of the department chair
CS-472. Advanced Seminar in Computer Science
A detailed study of an advanced topic in computer science that builds upon foundational study in the major. The course will cover topics similar to those listed in CS-272. May be repeated for credit. Three hours per week. Four semester hours.
CS- 474. Human-Computer Interaction
The study of human-computer interaction enables system architects to design useful, efficient, and enjoyable computer interfaces. This course teaches the theory, design procedure, and programming practices behind effective human interaction with computers. This course satisfies the College requirement for a capstone experience in the major. Prerequisite: CS-375. Offered in the spring semester of even years. Three hours per week. Four semester hours.
CS-475. Computer Networks
Architecture and protocols of computer networks. Protocol layers; network topology; data-communication principles, including circuit switching, packet switching and error control techniques; sliding window protocols, protocol analysis and verification; routing and flow control; local and wide area networks; network interconnection; client-server interaction; emerging networking trends and technologies; topicsin security and privacy. This course will satisfy the College requirement for a capstone experience in the major. Prerequisite or co-requisite: CS-274. Offered in the spring of odd years. Three hours per week. Four semester hours.
CS-476. Computer Graphics
A broad introduction to computer graphics via study and implementation of algorithms for 3D rendering, 3D shape manipulation, and 3D animation. Rendering topics include geometric primitives, scene graphs, 3D perspectives, ray tracing, the object-first graphics pipeline (including projection, clipping, shading, hidden surface removal, and displacement maps), antialiasing, texture maps, shadows, specular reflection, and global illumination. Shape manipulation topics include data structures for 2D surfaces (triangle meshes, subdivision surfaces, splines) and volumetric/levelset data structures (implicit surfaces). Animation topics include rotation interpolation, rigging/skinning, and particle/spring simulations. Students will also learn real-time software implementations of shading via the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL). Prerequisites: CS-271 or 274. Offered fall of even years. Three hours per week. Four semester hours. (LINQ if concurrently enrolled in DIGS-250).
CS-477. Artificial Intelligence
This course explores principles and methods for knowledge representation, reasoning, learning, problem solving, planning, heuristic search, multimedia data processing, and natural language processing. These principles are applied to problems which require building intelligent systems in a variety of domains. Ethical considerations in developing responsible AI will also be explored. This course will satisfy the College requirement for a capstone experience in the major. Prerequisite: MATH-111; CS-271 or 274. Offered in fall of odd years. Three hours per week. Four semester hours. (O.)
CS-491. Research/Independent Work
Independent research in computer science. This course is appropriate for students pursuing departmental honors and distinguished honors projects, and is open to other students interested in research in computer science. An oral presentation to the department is required. Prerequisites: Written consent of a member of the faculty to serve as an advisor. Four semester hours. (XLP.)
Note: This course may be taken more than once.
CS-492W. Research/Independent Work
Independent research in computer science. This course serves as the culminating course for departmental honors and distinguished honors projects. This course will satisfy the college requirement for a capstone experience in the major. Prerequisites: CS-491, meets college and departmental requirements for honors, and written consent of a member of the faculty to serve as an advisor. Four semester hours. (XLP.)
MATH-010. Problem-Solving
A structured seminar, focusing on problem-solving. Students are encouraged to work collaboratively and individually on challenging mathematical problems that are presented without the context of techniques from a specific course. Problem-solving skills are enhanced, through using higher level thinking and applying techniques to different problem types. Problems in the fall semester include those from past Putnam exam while in the spring semester problems are drawn largely from professional journals. May be repeated for credit. Graded S/U. Three hours per week. One semester hour.
MATH-110. Precalculus
A review of algebraic, exponential and logarithmic functions, Cartesian plane, circular, trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions. Use of a computer algebra system. This course prepares students for MATH-111. Prerequisite: Placement based on the high school record and a placement test. Offered in the fall semester. Four hours per week. Four semester hours. (R.)
Note: A student who has received credit for MATH-105 or 111 may not enroll in MATH-110.
MATH-111. Calculus I
Limits; derivatives; applications of derivatives; trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential functions; applications of these functions; indeterminate forms; the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Use of a computer algebra system. Prerequisite: Placement based on the high school record and a placement test, or a grade of C- or better in MATH-110. Offered both semesters. Four hours per week. Four semester hours. (Q, R.)
Note: A student who has received credit for MATH-111 may not enroll in MATH-110
MATH-112. Calculus II
A continuation of MATH-111.Techniques of integration, applications of integration, improper integrals, polar coordinates, parametric equations, infinite sequences and series. Use of a computer algebra system. Prerequisite: Placement based on the high school record and a placement test, or a grade of C- or better in MATH-111. Offered both semesters. Four hours per week. Four semester hours. (Q, R.)
MATH-211. Multivariable Calculus
Functions of several variables, including three-dimensional geometry and vectors, space curves and motion in space, partial differentiation, multiple integration, line and surface integrals, and the theorems of Green, Gauss, and Stokes. Use of a computer algebra system. Prerequisite: A grade of C- or better in MATH-112, or permission of the department. Offered both semesters. Four hours per week. Four semester hours. (Q, R.)
MATH-235. Linear Algebra
Systems of linear equations, matrix algebra, vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvectors and eigenvalues, inner products and orthogonality, applications. The computer as a computational tool. Prerequisite: MATH-112 or 236W, or permission of the instructor. Offered in the fall semester. Four hours per week. Four semester hours. (R.)
MATH-236W. Discrete Mathematics
A course designed to bridge the gap between computation-oriented introductory courses and proof-oriented advanced courses. The language of contemporary mathematics, including the proper way to write mathematics, and the nature of mathematical reasoning. Extensive writing projects. Topics studied may include axiomatic systems, logic, set theory, functions, mathematical induction, graph theory and trees, permutations and combinations. Prerequisite: MATH-111, placement or permission of the instructor. Offered in the spring semester. Three hours per week. Four semester hours. (R.)
MATH/PHIL-260. Logic
An introduction to the concepts and techniques used in symbolic reasoning, primarily through the study of first-order logic, the translation of sentences of ordinary English into a formal language, and the construction of derivations. Topics include: formalization, proofs, mathematical induction, propositional and predicate logic, quantifiers, and sets. Three hours per week. Four semester hours. (R.)
MATH-310. Differential Equations and Mathematical Models
Mathematical methods for developing models in the physical, biological, and social sciences. Emphasis on models involving differential equations. Solutions, visualizations, and interpretations of first order, second order, and systems of linear and non-linear differential equations. Numerical, graphical and analytic methods, with extensive qualitative analysis approaches. Laplace transforms. Independent projects. Additional topics chosen from forcing and resonance, discrete dynamical systems, and power series solutions. Use of a computer algebra system. Prerequisite: MATH-211 and 235. Offered in the spring semester. Three hours per week. Four semester hours.
MATH-311W. Analysis I
An introduction to the real number system and set operations; theoretical treatment of supremum, infimum, countability, sequences, limits, continuity, and differentiability. Additional topics may include series, structure of point sets and abstract metric spaces. Emphasis on writing mathematical proofs. Prerequisite: MATH-211 and 236W. Offered in the fall semester. Three hours per week. Four semester hours.
MATH-312. Analysis II
A continuation of MATH-311. The Riemann and Riemann-Stieltjes integral; infinite series, sequences and series of functions; introduction to metric spaces. Additional topics may include Lebesgue measure and integration, orthogonal functions and Fourier series. Prerequisite: MATH-311. Offered as needed.Three hours per week. Four semester hours. (R.)
MATH-322. Modern Geometry
Topics in Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry, including some of the following: geometry from an axiomatic viewpoint, synthetic Euclidean geometry, transformation geometry and symmetry, affine and projective geometry, inversive geometry, spherical geometry, and hyperbolic geometry. Prerequisites: MATH-235 and 236W, or permission of the instructor. Offered in the spring of odd years. Three hours per week. Four semester hours. (R.)
MATH-335. Abstract Algebra
An introduction to algebraic structures, with emphasis on groups: Subgroups, quotient groups, homomorphisms, isomorphism theorems, Cayley’s theorem, permutation groups. An introduction to the theory of rings. Additional topics may include: series of groups, free groups, and the Sylow theorems. Prerequisites: MATH-235 and 236W. Offered in the spring semester. Three hours per week. Four semester hours.
MATH-336. Abstract Algebra II
An introduction to algebraic structures, with emphasis on rings: subrings, ideals, quotient rings, homomorphisms, isomorphism theorems, integral domains, unique factorization domains, Euclidean domains. Additional topics may include: fields and field extensions, Galois theory. Prerequisite: MATH-335. Offered in the fall of odd years. Three hours per week. Four semester hours. (R.)
MATH-341. Probability
An introduction to probability theory, discrete and continuous probability distributions, moments and moment-generating functions of random variables, and transformations of random variables. Prerequisite: MATH-211. Offered in the fall semester. Four hours per week. Four semester hours.
MATH/STAT-343. Math for Data
An introduction to the mathematical foundations of computational data analysis. The course will explore several core topics including Bayes rule, principal component analysis and dimensionality reduction, gradient descent, classification and clustering, and graphs as models. Offered in the fall of odd years. Prerequisites: Math 235 and Math 341 or permission of instructor. 3 hours per week. Four semester hours.
MATH-350. Oral Presentation
A mathematics oral presentation. This course will satisfy the College requirement for an oral presentation in the major. Prerequisite: written consent of a department faculty member. Graded S/U. Zero semester hours.
Note: This course is usually taken in conjunction with internships (MATH-381, 383, 384, 441) and research/independent work (MATH-391-394, 441, 491, 492W).
MATH-361. Graph Theory
Elements of graph theory, including the study of Eulerian graphs, planar graphs, trees, connectivity, colorings, algorithms, domination, and the applications of graphs to computer science. Prerequisite: MATH-236W. Offered in the fall semester of even years. Three hours per week. Four semester hours.
MATH-381. Internship
An academic/work experience under the supervision of an internship adviser and an on-site supervisor. Students must document their experience according to the requirements delineated in the College catalogue section on Internships. An oral presentation to the department is required. Contact the chair of the department for further details. Open to juniors and seniors. The term during which the internship work is performed will be noted by one of the following letters, to be added immediately after the internship course number: A (fall), B (winter), C (spring), or D (summer). Internships undertaken abroad will be so indicated by the letter I. The intern must complete a minimum of 120 hours of work. Graded S/U. Prerequisites: three courses in mathematics and approval of faculty internship adviser. Three semester hours. (XLP.)
MATH-382. Internship
An academic/work experience under the supervision of an internship adviser and an on-site supervisor. Students must document their experience according to the requirements delineated in the College catalogue section on Internships. An oral presentation to the department is required. Contact the chair of the department for further details. Open to juniors and seniors. The term during which the internship work is performed will be noted by one of the following letters, to be added immediately after the internship course number: A (fall), B (winter), C (spring), or D (summer). Internships undertaken abroad will be so indicated by the letter I. The intern must complete a minimum of 160 hours of work. Graded S/U. Prerequisites: three courses in mathematics and approval of faculty internship adviser. Four semester hours. (XLP.)
Note: Students may receive credit for two internships that meet the conditions described in this catalogue.
MATH-391. Research/Independent Work
Independent investigation of an area of mathematics not covered in regular courses. Prerequisite: Written consent of a department faculty member. Graded S/U. One semester hour.
Note: This course may be taken more than once.
MATH-392. Research/Independent Work
Independent investigation of an area of mathematics not covered in regular courses. Prerequisite: Written consent of a department faculty member. Graded S/U. Two semester hours.
Note: This course may be taken more than once.
MATH-394. Independent Study
Independent investigation of an area of mathematics not covered in regular courses. An oral presentation to the department is required. Prerequisite: Written consent of a department faculty member. Four semester hours. (XLP.)
Note: This course may be taken more than once. This course always fulfills the ILE requirement for the college, but may satisfy an elective requirement for the major only with prior permission of the department chair.
MATH-400. Mathematics for Human Flourishing
Many people today consider mathematics a tool of the physical sciences at best and a pointless exercise in rote memorization at worst. But is there anything more to math than this? Can mathematics contribute to basic human desires such as play, beauty, freedom, justice, and love? Is there any sense in which mathematics can contribute to human flourishing? How does our view of the nature of mathematics affect things like education, personal growth, and human flourishing? This course explores ways in which mathematics can be linked to what it means to be human. Through a series of readings, both ancient and modern, covering history, philosophy, logic, and personal anecdotes, this course challenges our assumptions about how mathematics fits into the modern world and how mathematics calls us to action, even the most math-phobic. Three hours per week. Four semester hours. (CCAP.)
Note: MATH-400 does not count as an elective towards the math major or minor. The course does not count towards the (R) college core requirement.
MATH-411. Complex Numbers
Complex numbers; polar representation; stereographic projection; the exponential and logarithm functions; analytic functions; the Cauchy-Riemann Equations; fractional linear transformations; Cauchy’s integral formula; the theorems of Cauchy, Liouville, Morera, and Goursat; power series expansions; the Residue Theorem. Rouche’s Theorem, the Schwartz Reflection Principle, and the Riemann Mapping Theorem. Prerequisites: MATH-236W and 211. Offered in the spring semester of even years. Three hours per week. Four semester hours.
MATH-413. Numerical Analysis
Selected topics from numerical analysis, which may include systems of linear equations, linear and nonlinear differential equations, numerical integration and differentiation, eigenvalue problems, error analysis, interpolation and approximation. The computer will be used. This course will satisfy the college requirement for a capstone experience in the major. Prerequisite: MATH-211. Offered in the fall semester of even years. Three hours per week. Four semester hours. (R.)
MATH-421. Topology
Elementary point set topology; metric spaces; topological spaces, quotient spaces, compactness, and connectedness. Additional topics may include homology or the fundamental group. This course will satisfy the College requirement for a capstone experience in the major. Prerequisite: MATH- 236W. Offered in the spring semester of even years. Three hours per week. Four semester hours.
MATH-434. Number Theory
Divisibility; factorization; distribution of primes; modular arithmetic; Diophantine equations; theorems of Fermat, Euler and Wilson; primitive roots; public-key cryptography, quadratic reciprocity. Additional topics may include: applications to cryptography; digital signatures; algebraic and transcendental numbers; continued fractions; elliptic curves. This course will satisfy the College requirement for a capstone experience in the major. Prerequisite: MATH-236W. Offered in the fall semester of odd years. Three hours per week. Four semester hours.
MATH-442. Mathematical Statistics
The mathematical background of modern statistics, including the development of sampling distributions, the theory and application of estimation, tests of hypotheses. This course will satisfy the College requirement for a capstone experience in the major. Prerequisite: MATH-341. Offered in the spring semester. Three hours per week. Four semester hours.
MATH-451. Topics in Advanced Mathematics I
A course designed to acquaint the student with modern trends in advanced topics in mathematics and its applications. The course will be adapted to the students’ preferences and needs. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. Three hours per week. Four semester hours. (R.)
MATH-452. Topics in Advanced Mathematics II
A course designed to acquaint the student with modern trends in advanced topics in mathematics and its applications. The course will be adapted to the student’s preferences and needs. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. Three hours per week. Four semester hours. (R.)
MATH-491. Research/Independent Work
Independent research in mathematics. This course is appropriate for students pursuing departmental honors and distinguished honors projects, and is open to other students interested in research in mathematics. An oral presentation to the department is required. Prerequisites: Written consent of a member of the faculty to serve as an advisor. Four semester hours. (XLP.)
Note: This course may be taken more than once.
MATH-492W. Research/Independent Work
Independent research in mathematics. This course serves as the culminating course for departmental honors and distinguished honors projects. This course will satisfy the college requirement for a capstone experience in the major. Prerequisites: MATH-491, meets college and departmental requirements for honors, and written consent of a member of the faculty to serve as an advisor. Four semester hours. (XLP.)
STAT-140Q. Statistical Reasoning
A study of the role of statistics in a wide variety of academic fields and in everyday life. This course is intended for students who want an appreciation of statistics, but do not imagine that they will ever need to carry out statistical analyses themselves. Emphasis is placed on the ability to interpret and critically evaluate statistical claims. Offered both semesters. Three hours per week. Four semester hours (R.).
Note: This course cannot be counted toward a major or a minor in mathematics, a minor in statistics, or a minor in biostatistics. It is not a prerequisite for any other course. It cannot be taken for credit after or concurrently with any other statistics course, including AP Statistics.
STAT-141Q. Statistics I
A study of the fundamental concepts of statistical analysis using a simulation based approach in addition to the traditional theory based approach. This course prepares students to carry out basic descriptive and inferential statistical analyses with the aid of computer software. Topics include an introduction to the nature of statistical reasoning, graphical and descriptive statistics, and design of experiments, sampling methods, probability, probability distributions, sampling distributions, and statistical inference based on confidence intervals and hypothesis tests. Examples will be drawn from a wide variety of disciplines. Offered both semesters. Four hours per week. Four semester hours. (R.)
Note: This course cannot be counted toward a major or a minor in mathematics. It cannot be taken for credit after or concurrently with any other statistics course, including AP Statistics.
STAT-142. R Lab
Introduction to the use of computer program R to implement basic statistical techniques. Topics include: graphics, correlation, t-tests, significance testing for proportions and regression. Students pursuing a statistics major or minor should take this concurrently with STAT-141Q. Offered every semester. One hour per week. One semester hour.
STAT/DATA-150. R for Data Science
A hands-on study of the statistical programming language R for liberal arts students. This course prepares students to collect, manipulate, analyze, and visualize real-world data using R with a focus on data science applications. A final project will consist of analyzing and visualizing CIE readings statistically. Key R packages to use include (and will not be limited to) base, readr, readxl, stringr, knitr, dplyr, dbplyr, lubridate, ggplot2, tidytext, mlr3, caret, rmarkdown, data-table, and the tidyverse suite. Examples will be drawn from various disciplines centered on students’ interests. Offered in Spring. Prerequisites: STAT-142 and either CIE-100 or CIE-150 or CIE-200, or permission from the instructor. Four hours per week. Four semester hours.
STAT-240. Computational Statistics (SAS)
Statistical analysis using statistical software. Design, collection, organization, and storage of data sets. Statistical programming, debugging, analysis of output and interpretation of results. Prerequisite: MATH/STAT-141Q. Offered in the spring semester. Four hours per week. Four semester hours.
Note: STAT-240 does not fulfill the College Core Mathematics requirement.
STAT-242W Statistics II
A continued study of basic statistical techniques. Topics include: regression analysis, chi-square tests, nonparametric statistics, and the use of statistical software for data analysis. Prerequisite: STAT-142 and STAT-141Q or MATH-442. Offered in the spring semester. Four hours per week.Four semester hours.
Students may not receive credit for both STAT-242W and STAT-243W
STAT-243W Biostatistics
A study of inferential statistical techniques appropriate to the biological sciences. This course employs a case-study approach in which students use statistical software to examine real world data. Students will be required to produce statistical reports summarizing their statistical methods and results. Prerequisites: STAT-141Q and STAT-142. Offered in the fall semester. Four hours per week. Four semester hours. (R.)
Note: Students may not receive credit for both STAT-242W and STAT-243W.
STAT-244 Decision making under uncertainty
A study of the tools and processes for dealing with uncertainty. Topics include the use of prior belief in decision making, updating belief based on evidence, and some of the different methodologies for analyzing data to achieve these aims. Prerequisite: None. Offered in the Spring semester. Three hours per week. Four semester hours.
STAT-342. Applied Regression Models
A study of regression models. This course will begin by reviewing simple linear regression and progress to more general modeling approaches including multiple regression models and generalized linear models. Models, inferences, diagnostics, and remedial measures for dealing with invalid assumptions will be examined. Prerequisites: STAT-242W or 243W or ECON-300Q or permission of instructor. Offered in the spring semester of even years. Three hours per week. Four semester hours.
STAT-350 Oral Presentation
A statistics oral presentation. This course will satisfy the College requirement for an oral presentation in the major. Prerequisite: written consent of a department faculty member. Graded S/U. Zero semester hours.
Note: This course is usually taken in conjunction with internships (STAT-381, 383) and research/independent work (STAT-391-394, 491, 492).
STAT-382. Internship
An academic/work experience related to statistics conducted under the supervision of an internship adviser and an on-site supervisor. Students must document their experience according to the requirements delineated in the College catalogue section on Internships. An oral presentation to the department is required. Contact the chair of the department for further details. Open to juniors and seniors. The term during which the internship work is performed will be noted by one of the following letters, to be added immediately after the internship course number: A (fall), B (winter), C (spring), or D (summer). Internships undertaken abroad will be so indicated by the letter I. The intern must complete a minimum of 160 hours of work. Graded S/U. Prerequisites: MATH/STAT-242 or 243(W), and approval of a faculty internship adviser. Four semester hours. (XLP.)
STAT-384. Internship in Biostatistics
An academic/work experience related to statistics conducted under the supervision of an internship adviser and an on-site supervisor. Students must document their experience according to the requirements delineated in the College catalogue section on Internships. An oral presentation to the department is required. Contact the chair of the department for further details. Open to juniors and seniors. The term during which the internship work is performed will be noted by one of the following letters, to be added immediately after the internship course number: A (fall), B (winter), C (spring), or D (summer). Internships undertaken abroad will be so indicated by the letter I. The intern must complete a minimum of 160 hours of work. Graded S/U. Prerequisites: MATH/STAT-242 or 243(W), and approval of a faculty internship adviser. Four semester hours. (XLP.)
STAT-392. Research/Independent Work
Independent investigation of an area of statistics not covered in regular courses. Prerequisite: Written consent of a department faculty member. Graded S/U. Two semester hours.
Note: This course may be taken more than once.
STAT-394. Independent Study
Independent investigation of an area of statistics not covered in regular courses. An oral presentation to the department is required. Prerequisite: Written consent of a department faculty member. Four semester hours. (XLP.)
Note: This course may be taken more than once. This course always fulfills the ILE requirement for the college, but may satisfy an elective requirement for the major only with prior permission of the department chair.
STAT-441W. Applied Research Seminar in Biostatistics
A study of current problems in biostatistics. The course will introduce students to fundamental research procedures and data analysis. Students will work independently on a research problem of their choosing. Each student will be required to present on their progress throughout the semester and produce a culminating statistical report on their project. Students should expect to spend at least 12 hours per week working on their research project. Prerequisites: MATH/STAT-242 or MATH/STAT-243W and written permission of a department faculty member required. Four semester hours. (R.)
STAT-443W. Statistical Modeling
This course will delve into the mathematical and theoretical underpinnings of linear regression, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), non-parametric statistics and Bayesian methods for statistical inference. This course will satisfy the college requirement for a capstone experience in the major. Prerequisite: MATH 235 and MATH 442 or permission of the instructor. Offered in the fall semester. Three hours per week. Four semester hours.
STAT-444. Applied Consulting
The aim of this course is for students to gain practical experience in the application of statistical methods to real data, as well as how to engage with collaborators in a professional setting. Prerequisite: STAT 342 or permission of the instructor. Three hours per week. Four semester hours.(XLP, if approved).
STAT-451. Topics in Advanced Statistics Faculty
A course designed to acquaint students with advanced topics in statistics and its applications. The course will be adapted to students’ preference and needs. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. Three hours per week. Four semester hours. (R.)