Physica Classroom

Facilities & Resources

Ursinus has top-of-the line facilities. Students are always able to get the help they need through help room hours or professors’ office hours. 


The department offers computing resources including a Mac Lab, a computing cluster, and server environments supporting high-end Graphical Processing Unit (GPU’s). Students are granted access to specialized software such as Maple, MatLab, Mathematica, SAS, and more. There is a student lounge as well as a research lab available for students to complete collaborative work. 


The math and computer science help room is open 4 days a week. Students may drop in during help-room hours, designated by class, or schedule appointments with student-tutors. Students may also request an individual tutor through the Institute for Student Success.  Feel free to contact with any concerns. Students may also seek help on the department youtube channel. The youtube channel contains instructional videos organized by course. Some videos may be strictly accessible to students in the individual course. 

Math and Computer Science Tutor Hours