• Workload expectations: We expect you to treat this like a full time job. Plan to spend a significant amount of time each day on research, both individually and collaboratively. Each time you meet with your mentor you should be prepared to give a report of the work you have done since the last meeting.
  • Weekly reports: Each team is responsible for submitting a weekly report to their mentor. Submissions should be done in Overleaf or some other Latex editor and include definitions, examples, counterexamples, conjectures, proofs, code, and commentary.
  • IDP expectations: The IDP (Individual Development Plan) is a fundamental part of our REU program and a serious investment in it is required.  This includes but is not limited to engage with our “canvas course,” keeping a self reflection journal, participating in weekly professional development activities and workshops, and critically assessing yourself.  
  • Paper, presentation, and poster: You and your team are expected to produce a final paper, a presentation and a poster to be used by all group members when needed. There will be a 10 minute presentation at the end of the REU on the Ursinus campus, and you are also expected to present at various other venues (see below). The final paper summarizes all the work done in the REU. Your mentor will help you prepare your final paper and submit it for publication.
  • Travel presentations: You are expected to present your work at one national and one regional conference as well as your home institution. In particular, you are encouraged to attend and present at Mathfest, which is held in early August and consists of mostly student mathematics presentations. Travel funding is available through the REU, and you should request additional travel funding through your home institution.
  • Post-REU: In addition to presenting your REU results and local and regional conferences, you may be asked to continue your project through more research or writing. In addition, it is vitally important that you keep in contact with us and your mentor after the program is completed. Let us know of any presentations you give, publications, educational or career milestones, graduation, jobs, etc. This is in part to help assess our program and apply for future grants in order to keep the REU available for future students.

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This REU program is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF), grant number 1851948.