In addition to the languages that are offered as majors or minors, the Modern Languages Department regularly offers elementary courses in Arabic which can be taken to fulfill the language requirement, even though majors or minors are not offered. Students who wish to satisfy the language requirement in a modern language will be placed in the appropriate language class based on background and the results of the Foreign Language Placement Test.

Learning Goals

First Year

ARA 101/ARA 102

Our Elementary Arabic courses are designed to help students develop their four languages skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. By the end of the year, students should have mastered the Arabic sounds as well as basic proficiency in everyday conversational Arabic including greeting and other common expressions. Also, they should have acquired a number of common vocabulary and some basic grammar concepts.

Second year Level

ARA 111/ARA 112

At second year level, students continue to develop their four language skills, their vocabulary as well as grammar concepts. By the end of the year, students should be able to communicate in Arabic as well as present and interpret information using their inventory of Arabic vocabulary.


  • ARA-101. Elementary Arabic I 

    An introduction to the Arabic language. This course will allow the student to master the Arabic alphabet and to learn elementary speaking, writing, and reading in Arabic. Four hours of instruction plus one hour of supervised work with the textbook’s DVD material. Four semester hours. (L.)

    ARA-102. Elementary Arabic II 

    Continuation of ARA-101. Emphasis on communication and cultural uses of the language. Four hours of instruction plus one hour of supervised work with the textbook’s DVD material. Four semester hours. (L.)

    ARA-111. Advanced Elementary Arabic I 

    In this second-year-level course, students will continue to develop their four language skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing), vocabulary, and grammar. This course is designed to enable students to communicate in Arabic in everyday situations and to present and interpret information using their inventory of Arabic vocabulary. Prerequisite: ARA-102 or placement by instructor. Four hours per week. Four semester hours. (L.)

    ARA-112. Advanced Elementary Arabic II 

    In this course, students will further improve their four language skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing) with an emphasis on comprehension and speaking. Students will also continue to develop their knowledge and application of vocabulary and grammar. Prerequisite: ARA-111or placement by instructor. Four hours per week. Four semester hours. (L.)

    ARA-220. Topics in Intermediate Arabic 

    In this course, students will further advance their Arabic language skills in listening, speaking, writing as well as reading. In addition, students will improve their ability to communicate at an intermediate level by interpreting and presenting information in different tenses and contexts. Prerequisite: ARA-112 or equivalent, or permission of instructor. This course may be taken more than once for credit. Four hours per week. Four semester hours. (H, L.)

    ARA-320. Topics in Advanced Arabic 

    This course introduces new vocabulary, develops students’ listening and oral skills, and expands their knowledge and understanding of the culture and history of the Arabic-speaking world. Prerequisite: two 200-level courses or permission of instructor. This course may be taken more than once for credit. Four hours per week. Four semester hours. (H, L.)

    ARA-335. Independent Study in Arabic 

    Independent study of topics in Arabic linguistics, literature, society or culture. Offered upon request. Prerequisite: one 300-level course and permission of instructor. Two to four semester hours. (XLP, if 4 credits.)

Modern Languages

Olin Hall - Second Floor

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