With a program that spans both Psychology and Biology, there is no shortage of research and lab experiences for the Neuroscience student!
Psychology Department and Neuroscience Program
Dr. Bish and Dr. Frymiare share a cognitive neuroscience research suite that houses electroencephalography, eye-tracking, and language processing equipment. We have made several acquisitions to enhance their labs, Biopacs and Neurosky ‘wearable’ EEG electrodes.
In order to make greater discoveries in the lab we recently purchased several BIOPACs . BIOPAC’s are life science research platforms that provide advanced acquisition and analysis of EEG and other signals and physiological measurements.
In addition, we have four Neurosky ‘wearable’ EEG electrodes that interact with a variety of biofeedback apps for computers and mobile devices that allow interaction and control of electroencephalographic biofeedback systems. Also, a variety of standardized Neuropsychological Assessments that allow for testing of both typical and atypical neurological development. For example, the RBANS (Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neurological Symptoms) and the Barkley Executive Function scale for adults.
The CURRY Scan NuAmps Express by Neuroscan is a digital EEG and ERP recording system comprising a 40 channel NuAmps amplifier, fitted electrode caps and individual electrodes, and the CURRY Neuroimaging acquisition and analysis software.
The Tobii T60 eye-tracking system features an eye-tracker integrated in a 17inch TFT monitor, Tobii Studio Professional software, and E-Prime Extensions for Tobii. The Tobii system enables on-screen eye tracking with a large degree of head movement suitable for research with children or adults. Furthermore, the Tobii system can be used in conjunction with the Neuroscan system for simultaneous collection of EEG/ERP and eye-tracking data.
The LENA language processing system includes two digital language processors (DLPs) and the LENA Pro software. Collectively, the LENA system permits relatively automatic assessment of children’s natural language environment.
Biology Department and Neuroscience Program
Drs. Dawley, Favero, and Round have an impressive array of Nikon imaging platforms to view neurons and nervous system anatomy, including a new Nikon C2 confocal microscope, two compound microscopes for Differential Inference Contrast and epifluorescence, one inverted microscope with fluorescence capability, and two additional inverted microscopes for RNAi, transgenic experiments, and live cell imaging. The department also houses several standard and fluorescent stereomicroscopes for dissections, dye tracing, GFP worm maintenance, and zebrafish experimentation. Most microscopes are connected to digital cameras and computers for capture of high resolution images of fixed or live specimens. There are also two tissue culture facilities, one reserved for culturing and experimenting with live neurons in the classroom.
Their laboratories also contain a Leica VT100S vibratome, CM1900 cryostat, microtomes, room-temperature and cooled microcentrifuges, NanoDrop and standard UV spectrophotometers, a plate reader, gel boxes and power supplies, image station with densitometry capability, speed vacuum, electronic balances, water-baths, thermocyclers, shaking incubators, UV light box, digital camera for capturing images of gels, and two autoclaves.