Commencement 2019


Our students are eager to see the connections between their liberal arts experiences and their ability to make a difference in the world beyond our campus.

Since 1990, a large percentage of our majors have presented their research at conferences and more than 400 have coauthored published papers along with faculty members (most more than one). We take our students’ achievement and resumes very seriously!  We give them the research experiences that make them stand out when they graduate from Ursinus, opportunities that not only help them to get into competitive graduate and professional schools, but often help them to get scholarships and fellowships to help pay for their graduate work. We are committed to continuing our years of success and expanding the value of the educational experience we offer our students.  The department works hard to foster our students’ vocational and civic success, while steadily encouraging their passion for lifelong learning.

The learning goals of the department, aligned with those of APA (American Psychology Association), form the epicenter of our curriculum. Development of quantitative analysis and problem-solving skills is emphasized within our discipline.  We provide extended practice in using these and additional, increasingly relevant inquiry techniques (such as action research and qualitative data analysis), through engaging, creatively taught courses, community field experiences, and labs & research projects.  These experiences have been developed with students’ future success in mind.  One of our guiding questions is:  How might we develop skills that will translate into future workplace productivity and effectiveness? 

Since we serve a diverse group of students, we strive to make the Psychology major the best springboard possible for a very wide range of careers by emphasizing bedrock intellectual and social skills.

Bryanna Jones presenting at Phila Area Research Day 2019

Lori Scharneck

Thomas Hall 130