Reunions Celebrating
Traditions Day is the perfect opportunity for all alumni to explore campus! These class years will be celebrating a reunion at Traditions Day.
Traditions Day welcomes all alumni!
Red, Old Gold, and Black Society alumni are now called Golden Bears.
Who is up next for a reunion?!
Traditions Day 2024:
Congratulations on your 55th reunion Class of 1969!
Congratulations on your 60th reunion Class of 1964!
Homecoming 2024:
Class of 1974, you will celebrate your 50th reunion at Homecoming on October 25-26, 2024! You are welcome to attend Traditions Day, but we look forward to honoring you and this milestone reunion in the fall.
Traditions Day 2025: To be announced.
Last updated:
Make your reunion gift here Class of 1969 and 1964!
Questions? Please contact the alumni engagement team at or call 610-409-3585.