HomepagePsychologyTemi (our Rock Star!) Presented at APS

Temi (our Rock Star!) Presented at APS

Temi Olafunmiloye (’18; Research Assistant in Dr. Vanessa Volpe’s HEAL Lab) recently presented a poster detailing her Summer Fellows research on barriers to healthcare in the Black community at the 75th annual scientific meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society. The conference was held in Louisville, Kentucky from March 7-10, 2018 and the theme of the conference was “Optimizing Health and Resilience in a Changing World.”

With support from a Student Research and Creativity travel grant and Dr. Winnifred Cutler, President of Athena Institute, Temi was able to present her work at this prestigious meeting of the society, the members of which examine processes at the intersection of psychology and medicine. One of very few undergraduate students selected to present, Temi’s research was very well received.

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