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The Lantern

The Lantern is an annual literary magazine (print and electronic) showcasing the best of Ursinus student poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction and artwork. The magazine comes out in April with a launch celebration with cash prizes for winning works, as selected by past editors and contributors among Ursinus alumni.

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One of the oldest literary magazines in America, The Lantern had its origins as a supplement to the Ursinus Weekly newspaper in the early 1900s. It became a stand-alone publication in 1933, complete with ads for Bickley Valley Farm Butter & Eggs, and Chesterfield cigarettes. All issues are fully available on the Ursinus digital commons. (See link at left.)

The Lantern is devoted exclusively the the work of Ursinus students. Submissions month is October. Sorry, we cannot consider submissions from non-Ursinus students.

The Lantern cover, 1933 The Lantern cover, 1933

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For more information about The Lantern and creative writing at Ursinus College, contact Jon Volkmer, Professor of English jvolkmer@ursinus.edu.
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