Librarians Provide Classroom Support for Digital Projects
Librarians regularly lead instruction and consult with faculty and students on finding and evaluating resources and conducting scholarly research, but did you know that librarians also work with classes across disciplines on developing their digital projects and learning how to use technology to find information and tell stories?
Andy Prock (Scholarly Communications and Metadata Librarian) and Carolyn Weigel (Archivist) teach students how to find archival materials in the library and in our institutional repository, Digital Commons @ Ursinus. They also teach them about metadata, digitization, digital curation, and preservation. Andy and Carolyn worked with an introductory African American and Africana Studies course this Fall, an American Studies course in Fall 2018 called Race and the University, and are embedded in an interdisciplinary course called Bears Make History: Digital Entrepreneurship in the Archive and Online that runs each year (register now for Bears Make History, which will be offered in Spring 2020!). Students in these courses find archival materials related to their topic, digitize them if they haven’t been already, and post these materials in an Omeka exhibit. Check out their projects on our Digital History with Ursinus website.
Along with teaching students in those courses how to use Omeka, Christine Iannicelli (Instructional Technology Librarian) partners with faculty across disciplines to teach students how to create digital stories using video and audio production, website production, and digital storytelling tools. This semester, she’s taught students how to create educational videos in a Biology course called Molecular Genetics and in two intermediate Spanish courses. She’s also taught students how to create audio recordings in a history course called Oral History: Collecting All Voices.
If you are interested in incorporating digital projects/assignments in your courses or scheduling an instruction session or consultation, feel free to contact Andy, Carolyn, or Christine directly.