Streaming Movies Available from Myrin
The library purchases streaming films that are taught in MCS, Film Studies, English, Business & Economics and other courses. These films are available to the entire campus community to view, too!
Swank Digital Campus has the most popular titles available. There are 30 streaming titles available here, from Apollo 13 through Top Gun.
Kanopy has a more eclectic mix of titles, from recent films like Moonlight and Ex Machina to classics like Nosferatu and Battleship Potemkin to the Spanish-language films El chico que miente and En El Septimo Dia.
Academic Video Online (AVON) has thousands of videos, many of them documentaries, news shows and archival footage, but with some narrative films mixed in as well. It’s best to search in here on a topic or person you’re interested in to see what you can find.
We encourage the whole campus community – faculty, staff & students – to take advantage of these resources! You can find all of these, plus more of what we have to offer, from our Databases A-Z page.