Myrin Library is proud to introduce a new database to its collections this fall: Statista!
Statista is a business statistics database that provides global market and consumer data covering 80,000 topics on 170 industries. The industries covered include: consumer goods, construction, e-commerce, energy and the environment, retail, media and marketing, transportation, Internet, and sports and recreation. In addition to statistics, Statista also offers company, consumer, and industry outlooks and reports.
Statista is now listed on Myrin Library’s Databases A-Z page, and access is only for Ursinus College faculty, students, and staff.
The acquisition of Statista is one of the results of the Journals/Databases Review 2021, which was conducted with faculty during the spring semester of 2021. The Journals Review is normally conducted every four years, and the review of databases is a new addition this year. The librarians and staff of Myrin Library heartily thank the faculty for their support and help with the Journals/Databases Review, as this effort plays a crucial part in shaping our collections to fit the needs of the courses that are currently taught at Ursinus. The renewal of currently collected journals is underway, as well as the acquisition of new journals that have been requested. Academic departments and programs will be notified of the new journals when they arrive. Other requested databases may be considered and added in the future.
Please contact Kerry Gibson, Collections Management Librarian, about any questions you might have about Myrin Library’s collections.