Homepage News Introducing StackMap: A New Way to Find Books in the Library

Introducing StackMap: A New Way to Find Books in the Library

Library and IT is pleased to announce the adoption of a new technology called StackMap, which will display the location of books in Myrin Library based on collection and call number information contained in the library catalog.  When a user conducts a search in the library catalog, StackMap will generate a “Map It” link on every record for a print book in the results list.

The Map It link appears to each record for a print book in the library catalog.

To see where that book is located in the library, the user simply clicks on the “Map It” link.  This will open a pop-up window that displays the book’s location on a map of the relevant floor of Myrin Library.

StackMap displays the location of books in Myrin Library.

From this window, the user can zoom in or out, print the map, and view textual instructions for finding the book in the stacks.  This new technology complements the static library maps found on the Library and Information Technology website, which you can use to find people, offices, and other locations in Myrin Library.  We hope you enjoy using this new feature of the library catalog, and happy searching!

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Stephen Buss
Web & Systems Management Librarian
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