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Minding Our Mind and Body

If the last two years taught us anything, it’s that wellness is about taking care of the complete person. This year, a new division, the division of health and wellness was formed to align all dimensions of health and wellness.

As we’ve learned, facing hardship and uncertainty can take its toll, and physical and mental well-being has emerged to the forefront in both the classroom and the workplace. That’s why athletics and intramurals, sports medicine, the Wellness Center, and prevention and advocacy were aligned by Interim President Jill Marsteller ’78, P’18 under one division of health and wellness led by Vice President Laura Moliken. Her charge is to integrate and enhance the mental and physical well-being of our entire campus community. It’s a holistic approach to promoting healthy lifestyles and a more nurturing campus culture to support our students, while creating a residential experience viewed through a broader wellness lens. President Robyn Hannigan said, “This cannot be an afterthought. We need to support the whole student, and we have an opportunity to lead this effort nationally because it really is a unique structure among other colleges.”

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