Parlee Center for Science and the Common Good

Photo of Nicole Bryce
Photo of Nicole Bryce

Nicole Bryce

Class Year


My Major/ Minor/ Campus Organizations


What should matter to me?

I have always had a passion for medicine, but my career path was unclear until my father was diagnosed with cancer while I was in high school. Even though this was a difficult time, it opened my eyes to a possible career in oncology. I witnessed the effects of this horrible disease, and I finally learned what mattered to me—mitigating the devastating effects of cancer. Being a Parlee Fellow is exceedingly important to me because it gives me the opportunity to take this dream and make it a reality. I plan to learn more about pressing issues in my community such the absence of healthcare and learn how I can make a difference. I look forward to transforming my love of science into an effective way to better the community.

How should we live together?

All my life, I have searched for a way to help those in need. In my opinion, one simple act of kindness can create a world of change. Therefore, I believe that it is essential for every individual to help the less fortunate. Unfortunately, healthcare is not universal; there are many families that are unable to visit a hospital or clinic. As a Parlee Fellow, I am deeply interested in the institution of healthcare especially in disadvantaged communities. I plan to take Spanish-308-Culture and Medicine which will enable me to learn more about medicine and healthcare in Spanish-speaking countries. With this knowledge, I will be aware of how the United States can incorporate its advancements into other nations.

For my Parlee Center internship, I aspire to work at Puentes de Salud. This organization shares my belief that every individual, regardless of their ethnic background, deserves the right to a healthy life. By working with this foundation, I will have the opportunity to combat medical injustice by granting individuals of underprivileged communities the chance to receive proper medical attention.

How can we understand the world?

I hope to understand the world through my biology major and Parlee Center courses. Being a biology pre-med student, I will be taking vigorous courses that will prepare me for medical school and my future career as physician. Cell Biology (BIO-102) gave me insight into the functionality of the human body which will be of great use for medical school. Outside of the lab, the Common Intellectual Experience (CIE-200) opened my mind to the issues such as racial inequality in the criminal justice system. This coincides with the lectures of Hispanic Literature and Culture (SPAN-202) which heavily addresses inequalities in Latin American countries as well as the horrific consequences that arise from immigration. These courses have broadened my perspective on global issues making me well-informed about, not only in my major, but also my community.

What will I do?

After graduating from Ursinus College, I plan to attend medical school and attain a career in pediatric oncology. With this career, I hope to alleviate the devastating effects of childhood cancer and bring comfort those who are still battling this disease.