Quest: Open Questions Open Minds
Sophie Gioffre
Bear Tracks Post-Baccalaureate Fellow
Sophie supports incoming and current students as they navigate and use Bear Tracks as a reflective platform. She also works with first-year advisers and other faculty and staff members to provide information and support for all things Bear Tracks.
Sophie is an Ursinus College alumna who graduated in 2019 with a B.A. in English and Educational Studies. Some of her self-directed research includes: a 2018 Summer Fellows project titled “Understanding the American Subaltern: An Exploration of Complex Literary Characters through Socio-Cultural Lenses,” which involves the analysis of three novels featuring characters who are forced to navigate realistic socio-economic environments rooted in racist, sexist, and classist systems of oppression in the United States of America; and her Educational Studies capstone project titled “Combating White Supremacy in the Classroom,” which examines the complex ways in which the US education system reinforces and contributes to the marginalization and oppression of people of Color, as well as the ways in which developing teacher education programs centered on Critical Race Theory and Studies of Whiteness can help deconstruct the damaging system. During her time as a student at Ursinus, Sophie also worked for three years in the Center for Writing and Speaking as a peer tutor helping students through the processes of brainstorming, thesis and idea development, and paper revision.
B.A. English and Educational Studies, Ursinus College