Outcomes Assessment Senior Exit Interview

Senior Exit Interview Description and Suggested Questions (2016-2017)


Before the students in your major graduate, please gather information from them about their perceptions of the department. The purpose of the senior exit interview is so that you, as a department, can ascertain student perceptions of their experience in the major, and so that you can make changes to improve the curriculum and/or pedagogy accordingly.

Below are several suggested questions. Add as many questions as you like that are specifically about your discipline and students’ experience in the major. You may remove questions that you do not think will be helpful or relevant to your department. Remember to include some questions about whatever aspect of the program you are currently directly assessing.

You may gather them in small focus groups and take notes, interview them individually, or distribute the survey in writing through Qualtrics or another program. Please require students to complete this, so that you get a good response rate. Many departments have had success by having students complete the senior exit interview as a Qualtrics survey during their senior capstone class.

Suggestions for Raising Response Rate

  • Students usually complete a survey if you give them ten minutes at the end of class to complete; consider distributing the survey in capstones in which you have contact with a high number of seniors.
  • Many students will appreciate complete anonymity, if that’s possible for your department.

Suggested Department Questions (Add or subtract as you see fit.)