Additional Resources

Navigate the links below to find more resources on and off campus that may be helpful for students with disabilities.

Additional Ursinus Resources

There are many other services on campus that are available to help all students, including those with disabilities. Please contact any of the following offices to receive information about the services below:

Additional External Resources

There are many other resources and organizations available to support folx with disabilities. Please check out a few of them below (and feel free to email us if there are any you think we should include!):

Important note regarding counseling on campus:

While counseling is available at Ursinus’ Wellness Center, this service is designed to provide short-term, brief therapy to assist students in need. In an effort to be able to make services available to all UC students, the Wellness Center is not designed to provide long term mental health support. Given this, it often makes sense for students with disabilities and/or long standing mental health concerns to meet with an off campus counselor and utilize the Wellness Center when needed. Please view the Wellness Center website for further information.