About The Committee
The goal of the committee is to ensure a safe and healthy work environment for all employees, students, visitors, and the general public as well as to protect the buildings, equipment, grounds and other property. The Committee is state certified which earns the College a 5% reduction in worker’s compensation insurance costs.
Meeting Minutes
Meeting minutes are located here.
The Committe by-laws outline the mission and scope of the committee’s responsibilities.
Indoor Environmental Quality
Environmental factors arising in or from the workplace can have the potential to cause sickness, impaired health and well-being, or significant discomfort to employees. If you become aware of any health hazards or complaints due to suspected health hazards in any building, please contact the Director of Environmental Health and Safety& Risk Management at 610-409-3221 or ext. 3221 and Facilities at 610-409-3598 or ext. 3598 who will implement an industrial hygiene investigation to determine the source of the issue and develop corrective actions to control the issue.
Additional health and safety information can be reviewed in the Accident & Illness Prevention Plan.
Immediate danger to persons:
9-911 or 911
Campus Safety at 610-409-3333 or ext. 3333.
610-409-3598 or ext. 3958.
Suggestions or Concerns
Contact any Safety Committee member or submit your concern.
EH&S/Risk Management
610-409- 3221 or ext 3221