Lost Keys and Locks
The College maintains control of all College keys and locks.
Locks and Keys: Each key is coded with a unique number that can be traced through a computer to the person to whom it was issued. As an added security measure, there are no markings on the key to indicate which space it will open. The College locksmith is the only person allowed to cut and issue keys for college buildings. Duplication of keys by an outside locksmith is strictly prohibited.
For Faculty and Staff, keys will not be issued without a work order and authorization in writing from the department head to which the keys will be issued. Once the request has been processed, you will be notified by email when the keys are ready to be picked up in Facilities Services. Please bring your Identification Card with you when you pick up the keys. Lost or stolen keys must be reported to the department head and the Facilities Services office immediately. The cost of key replacement for Faculty or Staff is $15. Requests for lock changes must be submitted in writing by the department head to the Service Response Coordinator in the Facilities Services office.
For Students, new key requests must be made in person to the Service Response Desk in Facilities Services and must be paid for at the time of the request. The cost of key replacement is $275/key. You will be notified by email when the keys are ready to be picked up in Facilities Services. Please bring your Identification Card with you when you pick up the keys. Lost or stolen keys must be reported immediately to the Facilities Services office. If you need to have a lock changed a charge of $25.00 will be levied against your account.