Wellness Commitment

Members of the Independence Blue Cross (IBC) medical plan with Ursinus have the option to receive an additional contribution to their Health Savings Account (HSA) by committing to be a wellness participant.  By electing to be a wellness participant each employee will receive an additional $300.00 HSA contribution.

Wellness Commitment Form 

Wellness Initiative

In an effort to enhance our wellness initiatives, NEW U offers activities and programs throughout the year to guide our employees to healthier choices. Members of the Independence Blue Cross (IBC) medical plan with Ursinus College have the option to receive an additional contribution to their Health Savings Account (HSA) by committing to be a wellness participant.  By electing to be a wellness participant each employee will receive an additional $300 HSA contribution.

If the wellness participant satisfies the wellness requirements by June 1, the participant will receive $300 at the end of June. If the wellness participant satisfies the wellness requirements by December 6, the participant will receive the $300 at the end of December. If the wellness participant does not satisfy the wellness requirements by December 6, 2024, the participant will NOT receive the additional $300.

How to Complete Wellness Commitment Form

  • Use the online Wellness Commitment Form to submit your requirements for 2024.  The Wellness Commitment Form will be available in May and November for completion.

Four Requirements to being a Wellness Participant in 2024:

  1. Complete a Health Risk Assessment.
    • Log onto ibx.com
    • Click on the “Health & Well Being” tab
    • Click on “Complete My Well Being Profile”
  2. Receive one dental screening/cleaning or an annual vision screening.
  3. Receive one preventative service (e.g. annual routine exam, mammogram, colonoscopy, etc.)
  4. Participate in at least 5 activities throughout the year in a wellness activity sponsored by NEW U or individual activities. These 5 activities must be in at least 2 of the following categories: nutrition, stress management, fitness & wellness education.

Activities in 2024:

  • Lunch and Learns
  • PAISBOA Webinars
  • PAISBOA Walking Challenge
  • Bears on the Stairs
  • TIAA Webinars
  • Coursera on-line courses (self-paced)
  • Wellness Fair
  • Biometrics Screening

Examples of Individual activities:

  • Take a brisk walk a few times a week
  • Ride your bike a few times a week
  • Meditate/Practice Mindfulness
  • Regularly Practice Yoga, Tai Chi
  • Strength Training on a regular basis
  • Practice Journaling
  • Participant of a Weight Loss Program (WW, Nutrisystem, etc.)
  • Work with a registered dietitian
  • Incorporate heathier food choices into your diet
  • Participate in routine fitness classes such as spinning, yoga, aerobics, etc. (virtual works)
  • Complete a 5K run/walk
  • Read a self-help book
  • Get a flu shot

· Any healthy activity that helps your mind or body done on a regular basis!