Safety Policy
We work together to reduce accidents, injuries and hazards.
The college will comply with or exceed applicable OSHA, EPA, state and local rules and regulations and will cooperate in a reasonable manner with procedures to assure safety, health and well-being of employees, students and campus visitors. We work together to reduce accidents, injuries and hazards.
All new employees take part in a general orientation program provided by the Human Resources Office. Additional safety training will be provided to employees dependent upon the job requirements. The supervisor and/or the Director of Environmental Health Safety and Risk Manager will provide training.
The College is committed to providing safe and healthful working conditions for all employees. We strive to discover, correct and prevent safety and environmental health hazards that could affect our colleagues, our students, or our visitors.
The key to success of the safety and health program is the individual employee. All employees are:
- Required to immediately report any unsafe or hazardous campus conditions to their supervisor, the Facilities Services Department or the Director of Environmental Health Safety and Risk Manager;
- Required to inform their supervisor and the Director of Environmental Health Safety and Risk Manager or the Human Resources Office of any injury, accident or property damage as soon as possible;
- Responsible for the safe and proper care of College buildings, campus areas, equipment and vehicles, including the use of chemicals and material.
- Expected to work safely and adhere to all established safety rules, procedures, and work practices.
All employees are reminded to use extreme caution in all situations where the risk of fire is possible and to become familiar with procedures for fire safety. College buildings are equipped with fire alarm systems. If a fire is discovered, please activate the nearest pull alarm. Employees should cooperate with Fire Company personnel in the event of fire emergencies.
What are your responsibilities as an employee/supervisor/manager (including student employees)?
Managers and Supervisors:
- Provide or arrange for applicable safety and health training to all employees.
- Provide or disseminate safety information to employees as appropriate.
- Assist in the identification and reporting of hazards and continually monitor the safety and health conditions within the work area.
- Take or coordinate the corrective actions necessary to address any unsafe work condition or acts.
- Investigate and report all accidents and injuries. Complete an Accident Investigation Report regardless of severity or whether or not an injury occurred. If an injury occurred ensure emergency medical care is provided and complete an Injury Report Form.
- Provide or make available the necessary safety or personal protective equipment required for the work environment or task.
- Provide or arrange for job specific safety orientation to all new employees and upon assignment of a new task or operation that has exposure to hazards.
- Know building evacuation procedures and designate individuals to provide needed assistance to physically disabled personnel during emergency evacuations.
- Know emergency phone numbers. Contact Campus Safety for medical emergencies.
Employees (including student employees)
- Ensure the safety and health of themselves and of those around them.
- Be familiar with and adhere to established safety procedures, rules, and work practices.
- Utilize and properly maintain all necessary/provided safety or personal protective equipment and controls.
- Immediately report all workplace injuries or accidents to their supervisor and the Human Resources Office or Director of Environmental Health Safety and Risk Manager.
- Report all workplace hazards or safety concerns through the safety suggestion process or through the supervisory chain of command.
- Participate in all required college issued safety training and education efforts.
- Upon request, participate in all applicable safety training provided by the college.
What should I do if I am injured on the job?
For emergencies: (Immediate treatment)
If able, proceed to the nearest emergency room at the nearest hospital for treatment. If unable, request an ambulance by dialing 911.For non-emergencies (within 24 hours):
- Notify your supervisor.
- Complete the Injury Report Form and Medical Treatment Workers Rights Form and submit it to the Director of Human Resources or the Director of Environmental Health Safety and Risk Manager.
- Contact the Director of Environmental Heal Safety and Risk Manager for a claim number. You must seek treatment from one of the college’s Providers.
How do I report unsafe conditions/hazards or make suggestions to improve workplace safety?
- Report unsafe conditions/hazards to Facilities at 610-409-3598 or ext. 3598. If there is immediate danger to persons, call Campus Safety at 610-409-3333 or ext. 3333.
- To make suggestions to improve workplace safety, contact any Safety Committee Member or use the Safety Suggestion Form located on the Director of Environmental Health Safety and Risk Management webpage.