Greenhouse Gas Inventory
Our greenhouse gas emissions have gone down by 15% since 1990 thanks to education, changes in how we manage our buildings and grounds, and behavior change.
Ursinus College signed the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment (ACUPCC) in 2007. This action committed the College to writing a Climate Action Plan to achieve climate neutrality as soon as possible, inventorying the College’s greenhouse gas emissions every other year, and making the action plan, inventories, and periodic updates publicly available.
Our Energy Fellows work with the Director of Sustainability to update our greenhouse gas inventory each year. “Bear” with us as we work to upload all of this data to our website!
Check out our greenhouse gas inventories here:
Total Emissions by Sector (2019)
Carbon Emissions & Yearly Temperature Range (2008-2017)
Emissions by Source Over Time (1990-2019)
Purchased Electricity & Average Yearly Temperature (2008-2017)