Kate Keppen, Jess Greenburg and Madi Moses at the Organic Farm

About Us

We’re all about creating a sustainable space to live together.

What We Do

We’re all about working together in the Office of Sustainability. From our campus farm to freshman move-in, we’re collaborating with just about every office, department, and group on campus to make Ursinus greener. Our Director of Sustainability, Kate Keppen, works closely with our Student Fellows to educate the campus on environmental issues and implement projects around campus. We’re guided by our commitment to go carbon neutral by 2060, and a belief that empathy and diversity are the keys to creating healthy environments. (Our efforts even earned us a spot on the Princeton Review’s Green Colleges list!) Take a look around our site, and explore what makes us uniquely Ursinus. 

What Is Sustainability?

We believe in what we call the “three pillars of sustainability”: people, planet, and profit

People: We strive to create systems that are sustainable for people and preserve culture, increase diversity, and promote healthy, equitable living environments. 

Planet: We work to protect our environment, including plants animals, air, water, soil, and ecological processes. Our planet needs our help to solve problems like climate change, pollution, and waste. We need to work to make sure that we don’t lose important ecological processes and organisms for years to come. 

Profit: Environmental change can’t happen if people can’t afford to make those changes. We believe in providing affordable solutions that allow people to still put food on the table, and companies to stay in business.

Where To Go Next

You can be a part of environmental change here at Ursinus! Learn about our Student Fellows program, explore ways to be sustainable in your dorm or office, follow our Instagram, take a virtual tour, or contact us for more info! We’re glad to have you as part of our team. 

Memberships and Organizations: