Business hours


There is a designated, walk-in crisis hour from 2:00-3:00 pm on weekdays for students who feel they cannot wait for a regularly scheduled appointment to be seen. If a student is in acute distress, is not feeling safe, or is unable to wait until the 2:00 pm hour, please call Campus Safety to initiate the Crisis Response Team. 


A Medical Practitioner is available Monday to Friday 9am- 5pm, by appointment. 

After hours

Mental Health Emergencies

  • For acute crises that are imminently life-threatening call 911.
  • For crises which are not imminently life-threatening, call Campus Safety 610-409-3333.
  • Montgomery County Mobile Crisis: 1-855-634-HOPE (4673)
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 988

Students who have an emergency of a psychological nature, should go to the Emergency Room of the Pottstown Hospital for immediate evaluation and treatment. 

Medical Emergencies

  • For acute and life threatening situations please notify campus safety at 610-409-3333.
  • For situations that are not acute, students can visit the local urgent care or minute clinic.