Clubs and Organizations Policies and Procedures

Club Membership Policy

All Clubs and Organizations at Ursinus College are open to all Ursinus Students. Organization membership may not be restricted on the grounds of a person’s race, color, national origin, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, age, creed, ancestry, veteran status, marital status, disability, or other classification protected by applicable law. Organizations that intend to utilize tryouts, auditions, or any other form of merit-based membership system, must outline this in their constitution and have it approved by Student Engagement and Student Government Association.

Membership Conduct

Members of any club or organization at Ursinus College shall conduct themselves in accordance with the Ursinus College Student Code of Conduct, the Student Engagement Handbook, the Club Sports Handbook, the Greek Life Handbook, and other applicable College policies. Clubs and organizations can determine their own guidelines for active or inactive members, in addition to creating their own warning process for members. These guidelines must be approved by Student Engagement and Student Government Association.

In the event that a member violates a club or organization’s standards for conduct, the club or organization can pursue the following available options to address the conduct:

  • Informal Resolution
  • Administrative Review
  • Referral to Student Conduct

Informal Resolution

Student Engagement is available to support any individual or organization experiencing conflict through restorative practices. Student Engagement, along with the Club Advisor, will assist through the following practices:

  • Conflict Coaching
  • Facilitated dialogue
  • Mediation
  • Shuttle Negotiations
  • Restorative Circles and Conferences

More information about each of these options can be found in the Informal Resolution section in the Student Handbook.

Administrative Review

Should any club or organization wish to impose disciplinary measures on a member, up to and including removal from the club or organization, the club or organization must meet with Student Engagement to review evidence of the violation. After review of the evidence provided, Student Engagement may remove a member or agree to proposed disciplinary measures at their discretion.

Referral to Student Conduct

Should a club or organization believe that a member has violated College policy, the club or organization should report the alleged misconduct to Student Engagement. After reviewing the report, if what is alleged would constitute a violation of College policy, Student Engagement may refer the matter to the Student Conduct Process should the club or organization wish the member to be removed. All College disciplinary processes must occur prior to any decision regarding a member’s status within a club or organization. If the member is found to be not responsible for a violation of College policy following the student conduct process, the club or organization may pursue other means of addressing the concern, including Informal Resolution and Administrative Decision.

Interim Removal

The College may place any member of a club or organization on an interim removal prior to the resolution of the student conduct process. This may be imposed upon initial receipt of a report, when the College becomes aware of a concern, or at a later time in the student conduct process.

Club or Organization Misconduct

Clubs and organizations alleged of misconduct may be referred to the Office of Student Engagement for administrative review and response in lieu of or in addition to the student conduct process. Should a club or organization be found responsible for alleged misconduct, sanctions may be imposed on the club or organization including, but not limited to:

  • Loss of Event Privileges for a set period
  • Loss of Funding for a set period
  • Loss of Club / Organization recognition