We are truly grateful to the following individuals, corporations and foundations who have joined our 1869 Society by making unrestricted annual contributions of $1,869 or more to Ursinus College during the 2020 fiscal year (from July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020).


Graham (Mac) Mackenzie ’74
Ann Helfferich Mackenzie ’77 


Wilbert D. Abele ’61 & Joan Abele

Abele Family Foundation, Inc.

Bruce L. Adelson

Valerie A. Adelson

Donald L. Allebach ’55

Arista Pool & Spa, Inc.

Ellamay K. Balas ’68

H. Brent Bamberger ’80

Christy L. Barilotti ’01

William H. Barnaby ’64

Lawrence A. Barocas

John R. Barr ’65

Mildred A. Barr

James P. Barrett ’64

Jane A. Barth

Cheryl Beadle Marple ’70

Robert Y. Beesburg ’84

Johanna Benner ’68

S. Brock Blomberg

H. George Bonekemper ’64

Christian F. Bormann

Holly L. Bormann

Patricia C. Bowman ’73

Thomas Bowman

Winfield C. Boyer ’62

K.C. Boyle

Kathleen J. Boziwick

Robert L. Brant ’77

Ethel K. Brown

Stephen V. Brown ’63

Carl V. Buck ’84

Laurie J. Buck

Patrick J. Buyse ’97

Aralene D. Callahan ’72

Frederick B. Callahan ’70

Norman M. Callahan ’83

Susan S. Callahan ’85

Leila H. Carter

Michael L. Carter

Janet M. Claman ’57

Elizabeth A. Clemens ’78

Robert J. Clemens ’77

Leo F. Coffey

Nancy E. Coleman ’68

The Estate of Nancy P. Conger

William F. Conger

Conger Family Foundation

Terry Connell ’72

Francis M. Correll ’83

Carol Corson

John E. Corson

The Corson Foundation

Patricia R. Cosgrave

Ruthann C. Couch ’73

Margaret F. Cristofalo ’59

Patrick C. Curry ’01

Jane B. Daggett

William O. Daggett ’62

John R. Danzeisen ’70

Nancy B. Davis ’51

Susan A. DeCourcey ’88

Helene F. Delaney ’83

Frederick O. DeSieghardt

Amanda K. DeSimone ’12

Joseph M. DeSimone ’86

Philip DeSimone ’12

Suzanne DeSimone

Donald G. Devonshire ’53

The Downs Fund of the Philadelphia Foundation

John and Edith Downs Memorial Trust

Georgette G. Druckenmiller ’71

Ronald L. Druckenmiller

Lane R. Dubin ’90

Marian A. Dunn

Thomas J. Dunn ’82

George E. Dupont ’70

Brooks Eden

Eden Charitable Foundation

Lynne Y. Edwards ’88

Lori L. Engler ’96

David M. Epstein

Paula Eriksen

Fernando Fajardo

Rodger A. Ferguson ’83

John M. Fessick ’85

Fidelity Charitable - Andrew Freed

Fidelity Charitable - Lynch Family

Fidelity Charitable Gift - Andrew G. Street

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund - Bernard and Marion Newton

Kelly P. Finch Mobley ’82

Andrew D. Freed

George R. Freeland ’67

Charles E. Fryer ’68

Irene Fryer

Linda J. Gamble

Marjorie D. Garinger ’57

Adam T. Gates ’97

Catherine M. Geczik ’84

Carl F. Geuther ’67

The Glen Limited Partnership

Kathryn A. Goddard

Susan M. Gotwals ’71

William R. Gotwals ’69

Harriet Gould ’68

John S. Gould ’66

Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance

Greater Washington Community Foundation

Donna M. Greybek-Caprioni ’91

Gary R. Griffith ’74

Sharon A. Griffith

Elaine I. Grobman

Carol K. Haas ’70

Joan Haley-Wroten ’70

Norman P. Harberger ’50

Jennifer A. Harpel ’92

Dane L. Harwood

The Estate of William F. Heefner ’42

Gail L. Heinemeyer ’72

Frank S. Hennessey ’88

Rhoda B. Hershman ’52

Lisa J. Hinkel ’83

Mark H. Hinkel ’85

Hinkel Family Charitable Trust Fund

Judy R. Hoak

Robert W. Hoffert ’62

Susan S. Hoffman ’61

Bonnie G. Hope

Thomas G. Hope ’92

Philip H. How ’56

Winifred P. Howse ’50

Jeffrey R. Jowett ’77

Kal Marine, LLC

Robert E. Keehn ’70

Stephanie A. Kilkenny ’93

Juliette N. Knight

Kathleen Y. Knoebel ’73

David S. Kovach ’90

Clarke Langrall ’70

Andrew J. Larsen ’69

Katherine M. Leblanc ’60

Michael J. Lewis ’67

Robert M. Lintz ’74

Caroline S. Lloyd ’68

Elizabeth Lockhart ’60

Stephen P. Lockyear ’69

James J. Lorimer ’49

Thomas P. Loughran ’75

J. Robert Lovett ’53

Sandra M. Lovett ’55

Marc J. Lowenberg ’92

Karl A. Luck ’63

Evelyn V. Lynch

Ann H. Mackenzie ’77

Graham C. Mackenzie ’74

Lynne K. Markman

Michael P. Markman

Edmund F. Markowski ’94

James Marsteller

Jill A. Marsteller ’78

Cynthia J. Martin ’78

Gilder A. McCarroll ’79

Sue McCoun ’58

The Estate of Geraldine McElhinney ’42

Brian R. McIlhenny ’85

Carol A. McIlhenny ’84

Todd P. McKinney

Michael T. Piotrowicz Charitable Fund

Jayne S. Miller ’66

Richard B. Millham ’56

James Mobley ’81

Gabriel S. Moliken

Laura F. Moliken

Robert M. Moore

Eugene T. Morita ’58

Michael J. Morris

Michele L. Moyer ’90

The National Collegiate Athletic Association

Luke G. Nelligan ’85

Marion S. Newton ’67

A. Thomas Nicholl ’69

William A. Norcross ’70

Monica L. Norris ’94

Nancy Opalack ’71

Ilya Oshman

Anne S. Papa ’66

Annette Parker

Donald E. Parlee ’55

Joan Parlee ’57

Julie Pattison ’80

Carly C. Piotrowicz ’07

Michael T. Piotrowicz ’78

Pamela K. Piotrowicz ’80

Theodore P. Piotrowicz ’05

Michael A. Pizzi ’96

Elizabeth S. Poehlman

Paul E. Poehlman ’63

Harry S. Polsky ’66

Suann Pontius ’61

Joseph W. Pooler ’87

Susan E. Poppiti ’99

Bernard J. Poussot

William C. Pratt ’63

Princeton Area Community Foundation, Inc.-Debbie Ryan Fund

Charles L. Pulsfort ’03

Rachael E. Pulsfort ’03

Bruce B. Rambo ’63

Constance B. Reeves ’48

Linda M. Register ’70

Barbara G. Rheiner

William H. Rheiner ’57

Robert & Marie Keehn Fund of Greater Cincinnati Foundation

Robert L. Brant & Associates LLC

Lee Robinson ’75

Warren L. Robinson ’74

Patricia A. Rodenbaugh

David N. Rosvold ’80

Elizabeth A. Rosvold ’81

Deborah A. Ryan ’75

Adam J. Sager ’90

Lawrence S. Sager ’63

Phyllis B. Sager

Stephanie Sager

Judith Sanders ’60

Sara A. Scanlan ’86

Steven K. Schirk ’80

Susan C. Schirk ’80

Kelly M. Schmidt ’00

Philip M. Schubert ’91

Elizabeth S. Schumacher

Schwab Charitable Fund - Brian & Hildred Sullivan

Augusto F. Serafin

Robert C. Sharp ’58

Tadd-Jason Siggelakis ’95

Joyce G. Sipple ’59

Ann R. Skeath ’56

Jan M. Smith ’74

Christian P. Sockel ’93

Sodexo Food Service

Kay B. Somers ’69

Eugene Spencer

Robert J. Spennato ’85

John P. Squire ’82

Ellen J. Staurowsky ’77

Edward J. Stemmler

Joan K. Stemmler

Jean D. Stettler ’70

Susan Stewart ’80

Andrew G. Street ’60

Keith L. Stryker

Nina B. Stryker ’78

Brian W. Sullivan ’77

Hildred R. Sullivan ’76

Susan G. Komen Philadelphia

Robert F. Swett ’53

Kenneth C. Taylor ’84

Maria Taylor ’84

The Dayton Foundation

The Zisman Family Foundation Inc.

Carol A. Thesieres ’61

John W. Tomlinson ’58

Joy Tomlinson

Christopher R. Tompkins

Katherine I. Tompkins

Tozour Energy Systems

Amy Uhrbach

Ursinus College Investment Management Company

Vanguard Charitable - John & Mildred Barr Fund

Vanguard Charitable - Robert & Elizabeth Clemens Fund

Vanguard Charitable - The Callahan Family Fund

Vanguard Charitable - The Papa Family Fund

Vanguard Charitable - Thomas & Bonnie Hope Charitable Fund

Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program-James & Caroline Lloyd

Janet L. Vart ’53

The W. W. Smith Charitable Trust

The Wakefield Fund of The Philadelphia Foundation

Christina H. Warnick

Harvey L. Warnick

Cindy Washko-Margraf

Thomas M. Wendel ’60

Douglas H. West ’93

C. Ross Westley ’58

Don M. White ’63

Roger V. Wiest ’62

Sandra L. Wilkes ’71

Joshua S. Williams ’18

Margaret A. Williams ’80

Williamsburg Dental

Rachel M. Wilson ’01

Kristin K. Wonderling

Robert C. Wonderling

Barbara Wood ’61

Irwin B. Wood

Karen L. Zelley ’67

Lee S. Zelley ’65

William J. Zimmer ’63

Michael D. Zisman